Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Englewood, Florida
Redeemer Lutheran Church
LIVE STREAM the 9:15 am Sunday morning service on Facebook
(NOTE: You are not required to have a Facebook account to watch the live stream.
If you are a Facebook user, be sure to FOLLOW the Redeemer page to have it
appear on your Facebook news feed automatically in the future.)
Chapel Services on Thursday mornings at 8:45 am for students in our VPK and Day School, and families, members, and friends of Redeemer Lutheran Church, School and Child Care. Come and join us for the Service of Matins every Thursday.
Child Care Chapel continues on Monday afternoons at 4:00 pm. As always, families and members of Redeemer Lutheran Church, School, and Child Care are always welcome.
Redeemer Lutheran Church follows the historic liturgical Church calendar. Special Choir music, seasonal hymns and Scripture lessons, as well as appropriate decorative appointments throughout the Sanctuary help us remember that the Festival Days of the Church are more than mere "holidays". They are Holy Days... set apart for times of worship and meditation, and the receiving of our Lord’s gifts in Word and Sacrament.
*HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated every Sunday and on other Festival Days where indicated.