Daily Devotions
Lutherans Believe
Stephen Ministry
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03-24-2020 Fear Not! I am Your God - Isaiah 41:9b-10
03-25-2020 Be Still and Know I am God - Psalm 46
03-26-2020 I Will Hear, Forgive and Heal - 2 Chronicles 7:11-14
04-02-2020 God's House - Psalm 27
04-03-2020 The Lord is With You - Genesis 39
03-28-2020 One Day at a Time - Matthew 6:25-34
03-29-2020 A Life Sentence - 1 Corinthians 1:8-11
03-30-2020 He's Got Your Back - Psalm 121
03-31-2020 Sing, Sing a Song - Issaiah 12:1-6
04-01-2020 For His Steadfast Love Endures Forever - Psalm 136
03-27-2020 You are Quarantined with Christ - Colossians 3:1-4
04-04-2020 Saved by Grace through Faith - Ephesians 2:8-10
04-05-2020 Your King comes to you. - Matthew 21:4-5
04-06-2020 You are cleansed. - Matthew 21:12-17
04-07-2020 Teaching Tuesday. - Matthew 21:18-26:13
04-08-2020 The Lord hears your prayers. - Psalm 20
04-09-2020 Mantatum to love one another. -John 13:34-35
04-10-2020 The Son of Man is lifted up. - John 3:15
04-11-2020 Covered in His Righteousness. - 1 Peter 3:17-22
04-12-2020 Alleluia! Jesus is risen! - John 20:1-18
04-14-2020 Victory in Christ Jesus. - 1 Corinthians 15:51-57
04-15-2020 Invitation to breakfast. - John 21:1-14
04-16-2020 Attaining the resurrection from the dead through faith. - Philippians 3:1-11
04-17-2020 Hear my cry O Lord! - Psalm 88
04-19-2020 Peace be with you! You are forgiven. - John 20:19-31
04-18-2020 Praise the Lord, O my soul! - Psalm 146
04-20-2020 Overcoming the world. - 1 John 5:1-5
04-21-2020 Overflowing with joy through comfort. - 2 Corinthians 7:4
04-22-2020 Poetic comfort. - Psalm 37:1-5, 39-40
04-23-2020 Triple-header Give Thanks Thursday. - 1 Chronicles 16
04-24-2020 Prayer for strength. - Ephesians 3:14-21
04-25-2020 The Good Shepherd. - Psalm 23
04-26-2020 The Lord Himself seeks and gathers His timid sheep. - Ezekiel 34:11-16
04-27-2020 Going home justified. - Luke 18:9-14
04-28-2020 Faith produces patience in your trials. - James 1:1-12
04-29-2020 Jesus speaks wisdom and knowledge. - Proverbs 2:1-22
04-30-2020 The Lord will provide. - Genesis 22:1-14
05-01-2020 Christ Jesus lives in you! - Galatians 2:15-21
05-02-2020 God listens to your prayers. Shout for joy! - Psalm 66
05-03-2020 For the Lord’s sake, do good. - 1 Peter 2:11-20
05-04-2020 Sorrow turned to joy. - John 16:16-22
05-05-2020 The treasure of the gospel of Jesus Christ in you. - 2 Corinthians 4:7-18
05-06-2020 Healing for your flesh and refreshment for your bones. - Proverbs 3:1-12
05-07-2020 Perfect loves casts out fear. - 1 John 4:7-21
05-08-2020 The Lord has plans for you. - Jeremiah 29:4-14
05-09-2020 Sing a new song to the Lord! - Psalm 98:1-9
05-10-2020 The seed implanted in you. - James 1:13-21
05-11-2020 I am not ashamed of the Gospel. - Romans 1:16-17
05-12-2020 Faith, love, joy and comfort = refreshment. - Philemon
05-13-2020 Wisdom: inwardly received, outwardly evidenced. - Proverbs 3:13-35
05-14-2020 Listen to God’s voice. - Psalm 29:1-11
05-15-2020 Jesus came to save sinners. - 1 Timothy 1:12-17
05-16-2020 Shout for joy! The Father sends His Son and Spirit. - Isaiah 48:12-22
05-17-2020 Life in the One raised up on a pole. - Numbers 21:4-9
05-18-2020 Encouragement for mentors in Christ. - Philippians 4:4-9
05-19-2020 Comforted by God in our tribulations. - 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
05-20-2020 Get wisdom and insight through the eternal Word of God. - Proverbs 4:1-10
05-21-2020 The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. - Mark 16:14-20
05-22-2020 Cast all your anxiety on the Chief Shepherd. - 1 Peter 5:1-11
05-23-2020 Hear, O Lord when I cry. - Psalm 27
05-24-2020 Sprinkled by God’s grace. - Ezekiel 36:22-28
05-25-2020 Christ died once for all. - Romans 6:10 (Psalm 51:17)
05-26-2020 You are free in Christ Jesus. - Romans 8:1-11
05-27-2020 Walking in the Light of Christ. - Proverbs 4:10-19
05-28-2020 Same me, OMG! - Psalm 3:1-8
05-29-2020 Admonish, encourage and help. - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22
05-30-2020 The Lord is in His sanctuary. - Psalm 68:15-18, 24-27, 32-35
05-31-2020 The mighty works of God. - Genesis 11:1-9
06-01-2020 Put on the full armor of God. - Ephesians 6:10-20
06-02-2020 Let your love be genuine towards all people. - Romans 12:9-21
06-03-2020 Let the abundance of love in your heart flow like a spring of life. - Proverbs 4:20-27
06-04-2020 Reconciled to God in Christ Jesus. - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
06-05-2020 Born from above into a living hope. - 1 Peter 1:3-9
06-06-2020 How majestic is the Lord’s name! - Psalm 8:1-9
06-07-2020 Woe is me! A man of unclean lips. - Isaiah 6:1-7
06-08-2020 God loved the world so that He gave. - John 3:16-17
06-09-2020 The Father loves to hear the voice of His children - Psalm 4:1-8
06-10-2020 Warning: Adulterous content. - Proverbs 5:1-23
06-11-2020 Abide in the Truth. Your reward awaits! - 2 John 1-13
06-12-2020 I hold you in my heart. - Philippians 1:3-11
06-13-2020 The steadfast love of the Lord. - Psalm 13:1-6
06-14-2020 By grace you are an heir. - Genesis 15:1-6
06-16-2020 The name of Jesus is exalted above all things. - Psalm 138:1-8
06-17-2020 Don’t be a sluggard. Be an ant! - Proverbs 6:1-11
06-18-2020 Death has no power over those who believe in Jesus. - John 11:1-27
06-19-2020 Set free by the blood of Jesus. - Romans 3:19-26
06-20-2020 The Lord delivers His king to victory. - Psalm 18:1-50
06-21-2020 Wisdom invites you to the feast. - Proverbs 9:1-10
06-22-2020 The invitation one must not refuse. - Luke 14:12-24
06-23-2020 In God alone do I wait. - Psalm 62:1-12
06-24-2020 Sin is an abomination to God’s soul. - Proverbs 6:16-19
06-25-2020 The Father sent the Son to save. Listen to Him. - John 12:36b-50
06-27-2020 Put your trust in the Lord. He will pluck your feet out of the net. - Psalm 25:1-22
06-28-2020 The Lord casts your sins into the depths of the sea ... Micah 7:18-20
06-29-2020 God’s gracious care for repentant sinners. - Luke 15:1-32
06-30-2020 Our prayers ascend to God as incense. - Psalm 141:1-10
07-01-2020 Bind the teachings of Jesus to your heart. - Proverbs 6:20-35
07-02-2020 God sends the Holy Spirit to assist His dear children. - Romans 8:18-30
07-03-2020 Nothing can separate us from the love of God. -Romans 8:31-39
07-04-2020 Wait for the Lord. - Psalm 27:1-14
07-05-2020 What is meant for evil, God meant for good. - Genesis 50:15-21
07-06-2020 Forgive and you will be forgiven. - Luke 6:36-42
07-07-2020 The Lord reigns! - Psalm 93:1-5
07-08-2020 Bind God’s Word around your finger. - Proverbs 7:1-27
07-09-2020 Love: it’s all or nothing. - 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
07-11-2020 We enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus. - Hebrews 10:15-25
07-12-2020 The gentle voice of God is manifest in Christ Jesus. - 1 Kings 19:9-18
07-13-2020 Love and be kind to all and you will be blessed. - 1 Peter 3:8-17
07-14-2020 God’s love is for all nations and all people. - Psalm 117:1-2
07-15-2020 Wisdom cries out to the children of Adam. - Proverbs 8:1-11
07-16-2020 Comforted in the shadow of His wings. - Psalm 91:1-16
07-18-2020 The Lord is your strength and shield. - Psalm 28:1-9
07-19-2020 God’s Law is fulfilled in Christ Jesus. - Exodus 20:1-17
07-26-2020 God breathed life into man and gave up His own life for you. - Genesis 2:7-17
07-27-2020 Not just a miracle worker, but the world’s Savior. - Mark 8:1-9
07-28-2020 Jesus, the very Wisdom of God. - Proverbs 8:22-36
08-01-2020 The Lord makes His abode in His temple. - Psalm 48:1-14
08-02-2020 Flee from false prophets who dream dreams. - Jeremiah 23:16-29
08-03-2020 Don’t listen to lies, cling to the Truth. - Matthew 7:15-23
08-04-2020 Wisdom sets her table. She invites you. - Proverbs 9:1-18
08-08-2020 God delivers you from every trouble. - Psalm 54:1-7
08-09-2020 All battles are fought by God-all victories are in Christ Jesus - 2 Samuel 22:26-34
08-12-2020 Wisdom is this but foolishness is that. - Proverbs 10:1-5
08-11-2020 You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord! - Psalm 115:1-18
08-13-2020 I AM the resurrection and the life. - John 11:1-27
08-16-2020 Betrayed to save. - Psalm 55:1-23
08-17-2020 Amend your ways and your deeds. - Jeremiah 7:1-11
08-19-2020 Choose wisely the words that come out of your mouth. - Proverbs 10:6-23
08-20-2020 Put on your Baptism. - Ephesians 6:10-20
08-23-2020 Make an offering to God from the heart. - Genesis 4:1-15
08-24-2020 God knows what we need and gives it. - Luke 18:9-14
08-25-2020 The Lord is in His sanctuary. - Psalm 68:1-35
08-26-2020 The fear of the Lord prolongs life. - Proverbs 10:24-32
08-27-2020 A flood of love in the blood of Christ. - Mark 10:35-45
08-29-2020 Seek the Lord where He is found: Prayer, Word & Sacrament: - Psalm 70:1-5
08-30-2020 The Holy One of Israel comes to restore His people. -Isaiah 29:17-24
08-31-2020 Confess and believe: two aspects, one reality. - Romans 10:9-17