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01-13-08 "Behold My Servant", Isaiah 42:1-9

01-06-08 "Lift Up Your Eyes and LOOK", Isaiah 60:1-6



02-03-08 " A GLIMPSE of Heaven"

02-10-08 "Sneaky Old Snake", Genesis 3:1

02-24-08 "Wow at the Well", John 4:5-26

02-17-08   John 3:16

03-02-08 "Blind and Now I See", John 9:25

03-09-08 "Do You Believe This?", John 11:25

03-16-08 "What Shall I Do With Jesus...?", Matthew 27:22

03-21-08  Good Friday

03-30-08 "Feelings, Facts, Faith", John 20:19-31

03-23-08 "Easter, A Strange Celebration", Mark 16:1-6

04-13-08 "Shepherds, Lambs, and Sheepdogs", John 10:9

04-06-08 "Walking With Jesus", Luke 24:30-33

05-18-08 "Trinity is Unity", Matthew 28:16-20

05-25-08 "Living One Day at a Time", Matthew 6:24-34

05-11-08 "Words, Words, Words", Acts 2:1-21

06-01-08 "Faith That Works", Romans 3:21-28

06-08-08 "A Faith for the real World", Romans 4:13-25

06-15-08 "A Perfect Father", Exodus 19:8

06-22-08 "Tough Choices", Jeremiah 20:7-13

06-29-08 "Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers", Matthew 10:34-42

07-06-08 "I Will Give You Rest", Matthew 111:25-30

07-20-08 "Groaning Together", Romans 8:18-27

07-27-08 "Overwhelming Victory", Romans 8:28-29

08-03-08 "The Abundant Life", Matthew 14:13-21

08-10-08 "Call 911", Matthew 14:22-23

08-17-08 "How grows Your Faith", Matthew 15:21-28


08-24-08 "Jesus Builds His Church", Matthew 16:13-20

08-31-08 "Get A Life", Matthew 16:21-26

09-07-08 "God Wants None Lost", Matthew 19:1-20

09-14-08 "Family Benefits", Genesis 50:15-21

09-21-08 "A Win Win Situation", Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30

10-05-08 10-5-08 "Press On", Philippians 3:4-14

10-12-08 "Opened Eyes...Hearts Ablaze!", Luke 24:31-32

10-19-08 "God Rules the Nation", Isaiah 45:1-7

10-26-08 "Reformation in 1517 and Today!", Romans 3:19-28

11-02-08 "Blessed are You", Matthew 5:1-12

11-09-08 "The Mystery of The Last Things", Matthew 25:1-13

11-16-08 "We Know Who Holds Tomorrow", Matthew 24:1-14

11-23-08 "Jesus Final Judgment", Matthew 25:31-46

11-30-08 "Are You Prepared For The Day Of The Lord?", 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

12-07-08 "Begin at the Beginning", Mark 1:1-8

12-14-08 "The Spirit of Xmas", John 1:6-8, 19-28

12-21-08 "Oh The Wonder Of It All", Luke 1:26-38

12-24-08 "Luther's Nativity", Luke 2:1-20

12-25-08 "A Real Gift", Luke 2:11

12-28-08 "In The Future of Time"  Luke 2:22-40

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